2JZ DeLorean

No need for a flux capacitor here! It seems that people will put a 2JZ into just about anything, even collectibles. Chances are you’ll see this build everywhere over the next couple of weeks, I spotted it on a post by Stanley Ku on The Real JDM but an anonymous Build Threads reader also submitted it here, so thank you whoever you are.

On with the show…

Build Thread: http://www.supraforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=502808

The Real JDM

The Ku Cars

~ by anth on August 24, 2009.

6 Responses to “2JZ DeLorean”

  1. now that is a first!!

  2. meet ya at the town hall

  3. You’re welcome! 🙂

  4. cheers Stanley, and congrats on your new much deserved gig at The Real JDM!

  5. That is one obscenely gorgeous build. It really makes me want to see it in person, and actually hear it. I’m also curious as to how it handles, with the rear end lightened.

  6. Holy what?!

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